New documentary commission Twilight Time

A quick update: I’ve just begun working on my new commission, the Australian feature documentary Twilight Time for director John Hughes. This will be our third collaboration on a music score, having worked together twice now on Indonesia Calling in 2009 and Love & Fury in 2013. Twilight Time is about the life of Australia’s radical intellectual, Desmond Ball, a truly fascinating and globally influential figure.

It has been an interesting musical journey this one. Sometimes you have an idea what will work but try as you might it just doesn’t sit well with the pictures. In this case I thought a very intimate and small score with 3 or 4 instruments would be perfect. John also had a idea late in post production that jazz might work and so I planned on fusing these two approaches. However, it hasn’t quite worked out that way, with the film needing a broader palette to encompass the many different ideas. Loving where it’s heading though! It’s a mixture of jazz flavours, spy vibes and early electronic music. Weird? Maybe, but I reckon it works!

Here is a little video from social media explaining more…