Feature Film debut
OK, very exciting news! I’m currently working on my first feature. It’s called ‘Surviving Georgia’ and it stars Pia Miranda, Holly Valance, Shane Jacobson, Spencer McLaren and Caroline O’Connor. It’s directed by the wonderful Sandra Sciberras and Kate Whitbread (Caterpillar Wish). It’s a great film, beautifully acted. More news to follow soon…

Kate Whitbread, Shane Jacobson and Sandra Sciberras on location in Warburton

Kate Whitbread, Shane Jacobson and Sandra Sciberras on location in Warburton
Meanwhile work on ‘The Making of Modern Australia’ is continuing. I’ve finished 2 of the 4 eps and the 3rd is almost in the can. I’ve squeezed in the feature into a break between Eps 3 and 4 which was very fortunate.