“DEEPSEA CHALLENGE 3D follows the dramatic story of James Cameron’s odyssey as he undertakes an expedition to the deepest part of the ocean. This is a journey of historic proportion and risk. The film will mesmerize viewers of all ages with the thrill of true discovery and the allure of the unknown, of new life forms, and of vistas never before captured on camera all right here on planet Earth.”
Along with Ricky Edwards and Amy Bastow, it has been a huge honour to have co-composed the score for this fascinating and exciting 3D-documentary feature. Deepsea Challenge 3D opened August 8th 2014 in North America and August 21st here in Australia.
Our score for Deepsea Challenge was nominated for an AACTA Award for Best Original Score in a Documentary 2014!
"It’s an amazing piece of work, a fascinating insight…”. “4 Stars”
“The film is compelling, suspenseful, and very personal.”
“The scientific discoveries of DEEPSEA CHALLENGE 3D make it informative and intellectually satisfying. But it’s the human experience of a boyhood dream becoming a vivid reality that gives the film emotional depth. All in all, DEEPSEA CHALLENGE 3D is a grand, thrilling, and inspirational ride.”
"Fans of the director and oceanography gearheads should swoon to the immersive, visually spectacular images of the ocean floor, plus the nuts-and-bolts details of getting there and back again”
“But if the three hours of filming Cameron did in the Trench yield little obvious drama, the story of how the Deepsea Challenger reached those depths makes up for it.”
“The result is an entertaining and educational look at the enormous effort it took to pull off the deepest solo dive in history.”
”enthralling documentary…” – ”a singular saga…”
“At its best, the film is a staggering underwater spectacle, a cinema of attractions that outclasses each of Cameron’s previous technical achievements: Creating Pandora from scratch was impressive, but showing us previously unfathomable and unseen new frontiers of our own world is a far more profound success.”
“Along with its visual wonders, the film engenders some genuine suspense”
“When Deepsea Challenge hones in on the story of a team battling the odds, it’s riveting. The build stage’s parabolic successes snowball into pure tension during the crew’s eventual trial missions in the South Pacific. A scene where Cameron’s guys fight off rough winds and faulty equipment to cast off before rougher tide times is like a nerdier Perfect Storm.”